Applikationskonsult inom Microsoft Dynamics

Case management

Ett ärendehanteringssystem hjälper er att hantera och organisera inkommande frågor från kunder. Oavsett vilken kanal kunderna väljer att kontakta er via kan ni smidigt automatisera kundprocesser och arbetsflöden. Med en smart ärendehantering samlar ni information om era kunder samtidigt som ni skapar personliga, effektiva och proaktiva kundupplevelser.

How to create efficient case management

Find a common way of working to receive and answer incoming questions. Clarify the status of the cases and who is responsible for responding and having ongoing contact with the customer. Make sure that all your cases are gathered in one place, regardless of whether you receive the questions via email, social media or phone.

Sort out what is urgent and not, but make sure that nothing stays lying around for too long. Agree on reasonable response times and keep the customer updated. If possible, inform when the customer can expect an answer. Also make sure to avoid cherry-picking, which is, when employees only choose to handle simple questions which is the most beneficial or profitable.

Send tricky questions about the product to your product experts, complex questions to problem solvers and complaints to a communicator. Your customers have different needs - help your customers by adapting the communication based on their problems.

Effects & values